The new three-unit nursery is built on the southern slopes of Budatétény in a pavilion style layout. The building is oriented parallel with the sloping of the site.
The new three-unit nursery is built on the southern slopes of Budatétény in a pavilion style layout. The building is oriented parallel with the sloping of the site.
It has a terrain-like extensive green roof, the continuity of which is broken at key points for emphasis. This effect highlights the canopies, which create terraces protected from both direct sunlight and rain.
The character of the building is defined by these series of passive ecological devices. Its primarily coral-colored tones are complemented with dominant green of its immediate environment.
A basement system stretched underneath the site, and the chimneys that solve its ventilation had a large influence on the massing of the building.
The new chimneys are built from individually dimensioned reinforced concrete rings, with unique perforations that bring a random playfulness to the architectural language of this nursery.